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Accommodation in Exeter

Cleaning and room visits

We want your accommodation to be a comfortable environment for you to live in.

While our dedicated cleaning team will provide a service, you are responsible for the day-to-day cleaning of your residence.

Your responsibilities

cleaning products

  • Keep your bedroom, communal areas and utility rooms clean, safe and tidy.
  • We ask you not to stick things to the walls as you will be charged if you cause damage. Instead, make use of the noticeboard to put up photos, posters, etc.
  • Separate your recycling into the appropriate bins and regularly take your waste to the bin stores outside your residence.
  • Remove your personal belongings from communal toilets, showers, and bathrooms after use.
  • To avoid your freezer having a build-up of ice, which can lead to the door not closing properly, use a defrosting kit which is available for free from your residence reception.
  • Use the cleaning equipment you’ve been provided with: Bin liners in rooms (on arrival); Vacuum cleaner; Mop and bucket; Dustpan and brush; Disinfectant wipe tubs (in catered residences only).
  • Why not use a cleaning rota to divide chores up equally between you and your flatmates?


Item Use With

Sink, shower and taps

Toilet surround/around the outside of the toilet

All-purpose bathroom cleaner Non-scratch cleaning pad and/or microfibre cloth
Toilet bowl Specific toilet cleaner A clean cloth, paper towels
Cupboards, desktops and worktops Washing up liquid and water or all-purpose cleaner Microfibre cloth



Washing up liquid and water Microfibre cloth
Cooking hob All-purpose kitchen cleaner or washing up liquid and water Non-scratch cleaning pad and/or cloth
Oven and oven grill shelves Oven cleaner Scouring pad and/or cloth
Disinfecting bathroom, kitchen, and rubbish bins Disinfectant Cloth (remember to use separate cloths for the bathroom, kitchen and rubbish bins)
Carpet spots (test on a small area before using on the whole carpet) Carpet cleaner solution Cloth
Hard floor All-purpose cleaner First dry sweep with sweeping brush and dustpan, then use water with the all-purpose cleaner in the mop and bucket


  • Apply toilet cleaner to the toilet bowl, clean with the toilet brush, then flush the toilet
  • Wipe down the outside of the toilet with all-purpose bathroom cleaner and a cloth
  • Sweep and then clean the floor with wipes or a mop
  • Clean the mirror using washing up liquid and a cloth, then wipe with a dry cloth or paper towel
  • Use a sponge or cloth and all-purpose bathroom cleaner on the wash basin, taps, shower tray, shower screen and tiles, then rinse
  • Remove hair and debris from plugholes
  • Don't flush sanitary items or wet wipes down the toilet – thrown them in the bin instead
  • Use different cloths for different purposes, e.g. never use the toilet cloth for the sink
  • Don't vacuum wet areas because liquids could break the vacuum cleaner


  • Dust the desk, shelves and window sill with all-purpose spray cleaner and a cloth
  • Vacuum the carpet


  • When the oven hob is cool, spray with kitchen cleaner and wipe with a sponge or a cloth
  • Clean tiled areas above and around the hob
  • When the oven and grill are cool, clean with a sponge and oven cleaner – read the instructions and wear rubber gloves because oven cleaner is a toxic product
  • Clean the grill pan with a sponge or cloth
  • Wipe inside the microwave and door with a wet cloth and washing up liquid or kitchen cleaner
  • Wipe the inside and outside of the fridge and freezer
  • Wash and dry cups and pans etc using washing up liquid and water, then put away
  • Use a sponge or cloth and all-purpose kitchen cleaner on the sink and taps 

Rubbish and recycling bins

  • Empty and clean the bin using an all-purpose cleaner and cloth
  • Place clean containers and packaging in the correct recycling bin
  • Empty all rubbish and recycling to the bins outside your residence 

What we do

Our Cleaning Team will make sure your accommodation is clean on arrival and introduce themselves to you during Welcome Week. They will direct you to communal cleaning equipment and information, guide you on how to keep your accommodation clean, and continue to clean communal spaces in your residence throughout your stay.

Cleaners usually work between 9am and 3pm on weekdays. Cleaning services are not provided at weekends, bank holidays and University closure days.

It may not always be possible to maintain normal service level standards when staff are on training courses, annual leave or absent due to illness, but we will notify you if there are changes to the service.

If you have any queries concerning the cleaning services, please contact your residence reception.

We clean the following areas daily for catered and weekly for self-catered accommodation:

  • Communal utility rooms in catered residences - This includes the removal of a reasonable amount of rubbish and recycling and cleaning of surfaces
  • Kitchens in self-catered accommodation - but you do your own washing up and remove your rubbish. The cleaners will not be able to clean if there are dirty dishes in the way.
  • Entrances, corridors, stairwells and lifts
  • All communal bathrooms, toilets and showers (where appropriate) are cleaned as per the schedule displayed within your accommodation.

We do not clean your bedroom or en-suite bathroom.

Full information about the level of cleaning service you will receive, and what we expect from you in the Cleaning Commitments - Catered and Self-Catered 2023

Cleaning issues

If cleaners report a flat for being consistently inaccessible, or if standards of day-to-day cleanliness are below an acceptable level, the University may take steps to help you improve the cleaning standards – see the Room Visits section below.

We do not provide cleaning services in the following residences, except for cleaning of communal corridors, stairwells, and entranceways on a weekly basis: 

  • Birks Grange Village Studios  
  • Holland Hall Studios 
  • King Edward Court 
  • Lafrowda Studios 

You will be expected to keep your own accommodation clean and will need to provide your own cleaning equipment and products. In James Owen Court and Nancherrow, flat residents will also be responsible for cleaning the communal areas within the flat.

Full information about cleaning support can be found on the  Cleaning Commitments - Studios and no Cleaning.

We regularly undertake Room Visits to bedrooms, kitchens, and communal areas to ensure standards of cleanliness are maintained. At least 24 hours’ notice will be given before these visits. Where the levels of cleanliness are not acceptable, you will be told what steps you should take and the date for a re-visit.

If room visits reveal a breach of your accommodation agreement, you’ll be given a reasonable opportunity to put things right.
If you fail to rectify matters made known to you, or if cleanliness continues to be below standard, staff may be employed to provide a cleaning service or put right other breaches, and you will be charged for this. Any costs will be added to your student account, which you can see by accessing your online statements via your iExeter account and clicking on the ‘Student Record’ and ‘Finance’ tabs.

Room visits will be carried out following your departure, but if you would like to have a room visit prior to departure then please contact your residence reception approximately one week before you intend to leave to see if this is possible.

After a room visit, you will be advised in writing if your room or flat has not been left in an acceptable condition and will be given the opportunity to remedy the situation within a given timescale. 

Please see the Cleaning charges document for more information.

Item(s) for removal


Small electric appliances 








Bicycle from within residence or bedroom 


Bicycle from bike shed which has not been logged and tagged at Reception


To reset safe code 


All charges include an administration charge and VAT where applicable. Please note that the University is unable to store items for you and you will need to arrange for storage with a private company.

In some properties, mould can be an issue, but there are steps you can take to help prevent mould from growing.

Ventilation and air flow

Keeping the air circulating in your room can be the most effective thing in helping to prevent mould. You can do this by:

  • Opening the window in your room for at least 10 minutes (and ideally for 30) each day. This will decrease the level of humidity, and help the stale air to be replaced by fresh air.
  • Ensuring that the window vent is left open permanently (if your window has one) will also help with ventilation.
  • Leaving a gap between your belongings and wall surfaces, especially external walls, will also help air to circulate and any moisture to dry up. 

Keep on top of condensation

Condensation (droplets of water) on and around windows is completely normal and happens when the weather grows colder, and the difference between the inside and outside temperature increases. If opening your window in the morning for 10-30 minutes doesn’t clear the window of fog and condensation completely, then wipe away any remaining moisture with some paper towels.


Keeping your bedroom furniture and carpets clean by dusting and vacuuming will help to prevent a build up of dirt and dust, which can stop mould from growing.


Keep the bathroom door closed during and after showering so that the steam doesn't enter the bedroom. 

Make use of the extractor fan - if you think that yours isn't working, then please report it to your Residence Reception.

Clothes Drying

Avoid drying clothes in your room, especially on a radiator, and instead use airers in the kitchen/lounge area or use the tumble dryers in the laundries.

Hopefully following these steps will help your room will remain free from mould, but if you are experiencing problems, please report it to your Residence Reception.

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