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Network Engineering, Modelling and Management - 2020 entry

MODULE TITLENetwork Engineering, Modelling and Management CREDIT VALUE15
MODULE CODEENE3002 MODULE CONVENERProf Mohammad Abusara (Coordinator)
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 26
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content

This module has been designed to develop your knowledge of power electronics and power systems, data acquisition and automation. The future grid will see more integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and, thus, it is vital to understand power electronics, which is the enabling technology for integrating RES to the Grid. You will also learn the basic skills for modelling and analyzing the power network. Additionally, this module will allow you to gain hands-on experience in the practical aspects of data acquisition and control and associated software in the context of power electronic converters. You will have ‘hands-on’ interaction with sensors, data acquisition systems and control equipment. You will then be working in small groups on a chosen project to select sensor components data loggers, and actuators to assemble a data logging and control system for your project that could then be deployed ‘externally’. This is theoretical and practical course using lectures and laboratory-based exercises, and resulting in individual design and group design exercises.

Prerequisite module: CSM2177 or equivalent

AIMS - intentions of the module

The objective of this module is to consolidate and further develop your core knowledge and understanding of electrical power systems engineering, particularly the issues associated with the connection of renewable energy projects to electricity distribution grids. The overall expected level of attainment is a capability of conducting sensible dialogue with specialist electrical engineers that have been commissioned to complete grid connection studies. Furthermore, the module covers data acquisition and automaton which influence the design and operation of power electronic converters.

INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1. appreciate the data requirements and the mathematical pre-processing methods that should be adopted in order to conduct calculations to simulate or analyse the performance of electrical transmission and distribution networks;
2. appreciate the underlying physics relevant to the operation and stability of an electricity network;
3. comprehend the different factors to be taken into account, and an appreciation of potential problems that might present, in managing a transmission or distribution network, including load factors, balancing load and generation, control of network voltage and frequency, reactive power requirements etc.
4. understand the operation principles of power electronic converters including passive rectifiers, buck, boost, buck/boost, DC/AC, AC/DC, and grid-connected converters.
5. analyze voltage and current harmonics using Fourier Series, and understand ways of mitigating harmonics.
6. understand the different types of sensor devices used in resource measurement, operations monitoring and condition monitoring tasks
7. gain understanding, via simulation, of actuators and control systems used to control equipment designed to meet a given task
8. develop methods used to relay data from equipment installed at a remote site to a centralised data assimilation and monitoring station
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
9. identify inconsistencies and misleading impressions from data and the sufficiency and appropriateness of data for analysis.
10. appreciate the practical limits to accuracy and repeatability of observation taking
11. develop anl understanding of design, assembly and deployment of sensing and data logging systems used in the assessment of renewable energy resources.
12. demonstrate good understanding of the capabilities of mathematical methods for solving electrical network distribution problems;
Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge:
13. show originality in tackling and solving a problem, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level
14. work effectively within a group
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
- distributed generation: introduction to distribution generation; the general characteristics of electrical transmission and distribution networks; the role of distributed generation in local and national energy supply, and the technical constraints inherent in their use;
- fault analysis: fault level and fault flow calculation; transient analysis; symmetrical components; zero sequence, negative sequence and positive sequence voltage and currents; balanced and unbalanced systems; types of unsymmetrical faults i.e. single line to ground (SLG), line-to-line (LL), double line to ground (LLG);
- generators: basic power transfer mechanisms in power systems, generator modelling, synchronous machines, induction machines, wind turbine models, doubly fed induction generators (DFIG), fixed speed types induction generators, synchronous permanent magnet generators (PMG), equivalent circuits of synchronous and induction generators and use them to calculate their performance;
- control of power systems: delivered electrical energy to meet certain quality standards at fixed frequency and voltage with an acceptable level of reliability; function of generator governors, power shared between synchronous generators fitted with different governor types; mechanisms available to control frequency in stand alone systems, mechanisms used to control frequency in large systems, function of automatic voltage regulators, local nature of reactive power control and reactive power management in large systems;
- stability of power systems: electrical stiffness; swing equation; inertia constant; equal area criterion multi machine stability analysis; factors affecting stability; transient stability, small signal stability, voltage stability problem: causes and improvement methods; impact of renewable on the dynamics and stability of power systems, wide area control; - power electronics: explains what power electronics; brief review of the characteristics of various power semiconductor devices; application of power electronics in renewable energy; a broad overview of advanced power electronics technologies with an emphasis on multi-disciplinary aspects of integrated design;
- power electronics system integration: investigation of relationships between system application requirements and technological challenges in circuit topologies, power semiconductor devices, sensing and control, integrated packaging, and thermal management, and their impact on the system reliability and cost; concept of integrated power electronics modules and application in distributed power systems and motor drives;
- power quality: influence of grid connected renewable energy systems on power quality, voltage sag, variations and flicker, switching operation of renewable energy, harmonics caused by nonlinear load, power electronic loads, rectifiers and inverters in motor drives;
- Sensors and Transducers; Interfaces and signal conditioning; Data Acquisition Computer; Programming for Data Acquisition; Data Access and Storage; DAC Platforms including Arduino and Raspberry Pis;
- Case studies (motor control, power converters, automation, etc.)
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 40 Guided Independent Study 110 Placement / Study Abroad
Category Hours of study time Description
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 30 Lectures
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 10 Tutorials
Guided independent study 110 Private study


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Set of simulation-based practical exercises 1-2 hours ech 6-11, 13-14 Verbal and computer based


Coursework 50 Written Exams 50 Practical Exams
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Group demonstration of DAC project 15 30 mins. 6-11, 13-14 Written
Assignment 35 2100 words equivaent 6-12, 13-14 Written
Exam 50 1.5 hours 1-5, 12 Written


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-reassessment
Coursework: Demonstration and logbook Single piece of coursework As above August Ref/Def period
Exam Exam As above August Ref/Def period


1 piece of coursework (50%)
Exam (50%)
INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener


Basic reading:

1. B. M. Weedy, Electric Power Systems, 4th Edition, Wiley 1998. Lib Shelf Number: 621.3191 WEE                                            

2. Grainger, J. & Stevenson, W., 1994. Power Systems: Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill Education, LIB Shelf Number: 621.319 GRA    

3. Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Electrical Energy Systems, Boca Rotan, London, CRC 20000. LIB Shelf Number: 621.31 ELH.                            

4. J. D. Glover & M.S. Sarma, Power system analysis and design, Brooks-Cole/Thomson Learning, 2002,  Lib Shelf Number: 621.319 GLO 

5. J. C. Das, Power system analysis : short-circuit load flow and harmonics, Marcel Dekker, 2002, Lib Shelf Number: 621.310151 DAS         

6. S.M.Godoy, Renewable Energy Systems: design and analysis with induction generators, London, CRC 2004. LIB Shelf Number: 621.3136 SIM.   

7. E. Lakervi & E. J. Holmes, Electricity Distribution Network Design, 2nd Edition, IET Power Series, Lib Shelf Number: 621.3192 LAK

8. A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in power systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 1991. LIB Shelf Number: 621.31921 GRE.            

9. Gwyther, H F G., Solving problems in electrical power and power electronics. Harlow : Longman, 1988, Lib Shelf Number: 621.317 GWY      

10. A. Trzynadlowski, Introduction to modern power electronics, Chichester : Wiley, 1998, Lib Shelf Number: 621.313 TRZ                     

11. D.A. Bradley, Power electronics, Wokingham : van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987, Lib Shelf Number: 621.317 BRA                                

12. E. Ohno, Introduction to power electronics, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988, Lib Shelf Number: 621.317 OHN                              

MathCAD E-books:                                                                                                                          

Electrical Power Systems Analysis. Available on any IT services PC cluster on Tremough Campus                                              

Electrical machinery. Available on any IT services PC cluster on Tremough Campus                                                           


Reading list for this module:

Type Author Title Edition Publisher Year ISBN
Set A. Greenwood Electrical Transients in power systems John Wiley & Sons 1991
Set Gwyther, H F G. Solving problems in electrical power and power electronics Harlow : Longman 1998
Set A. Trzynadlowski Introduction to modern power electronics Chichester : Wiley 1998
Set D.A. Bradley Power electronics Wokingham : van Nostrand Reinhold 1987
Set E. Ohno Introduction to power electronics Oxford : Clarendon Press 1988
ORIGIN DATE Tuesday 10th July 2018 LAST REVISION DATE Thursday 20th August 2020
KEY WORDS SEARCH Power electronics; power systems.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.