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Strategy and Security Institute (SSI)

A Contemporary Approach to World Security

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SSI Speaker Programme

For 2024 we're inviting leading contributors to strategic debates in this country to give a talk on their current work and area of expertise.

The talks will take place in Knightley building throughout the academic year, lasting around 60 minutes and followed by a 30 minute discussion period.

The lectures will be recorded and available on our website after the event.

Full details of future talks will appear in our events calendar below.

Speaker programme recordings

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Our research

The Strategy and Security Institute's vibrant, collaborative and interdisciplinary research culture incorporates people working across the whole spectrum of contemporary security issues. The international community of researchers and practitioners has an excellent record of winning external funding, and promoting collaboration and impact.

Esther D. Reed works in military ethics. Research interests include evolutions in just war reasoning for changing threat environments, new weapons technologies and accountability for the taking of human life, deterrence, just and prudent responses to adversary hostilities below the threshold of war, religious teachings about war and peace, virtue ethics, ethical decision-making, ethical leadership, ethical teaming, human-machine teaming, the ethics of institutions. She is also working currently at the interface between military ethics and moral injury, and on the ethics of weapons control.

Publications include articles on militarised humanitarian intervention and targeted killings, natural law reasoning, and theological perspectives on the ethics of territorial borders.

She has monographs on Theology for International Law and The Limits of Responsibility: Engaging Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a Globalizing Era, and co-edited a collection on Civil Liberties, National Security and Prospects for Consensus: Legal, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives.

Recent publications are 'Accountability for the Taking of Human Life with LAWS in War', Ethics & International Affairs 2023;37(3); ‘On Limited Force: Prudence Below the Threshold of War’, Studies in Christian Ethics, forthcoming.

Esther has lead-supervised 16+ research students to successful completion of MbyRes/MPhil/PhD theses. She has collaborated with military personnel/organisations and the mining sector.

Anthony King works on military transformation and war. He has written widely on many topics including urban warfare, infantry tactics, command, commemoration, camouflage, medals and AI. However, his work is unified by an interest in exploring the distinctive character of military professionalism - and it socio-political and operational implications.

His trilogy on western military transformation in the twenty-first century, The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces (2013), The Combat Soldier (2013), and Command (2019), explored precisely this question, especially at the levels of the infantry platoon and divisional headquarters.

He has just completed a monograph of AI and war which explores the recent and likely impact of AI on military operations. Rejecting claims that AI is about to automate war, he argues that AI is more likely to cultivate the growth of even more professionalised, skilled teams integrating military personnel and civilian experts. On the basis of this project, he will explore the question of how in practice will AI influence the decisions which commanders make.

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SSI Manager

Postal address

Strategy and Security Institute
University of Exeter
Streatham Drive