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Providing accessible and inclusive learning opportunities on sustainability and the climate and ecological crises.

The University has committed to embedding the Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Emergency across all courses in its Environment and Climate Emergency Policy Statement.  

Transformative Education - through the Transformative Education Framework, we will use the power of education to transform our students’ lives so that they, in turn, can transform the world. This framework enables all students to see the challenges associated with the climate emergency, inequality and social injustice in their fields of study.

Responsible Futures -  a whole-institution supported change programme and accreditation mark to embed sustainability across all aspects of student learning. The University is aiming to gain accreditation in 2024.  

Curriculum mapping project - mapping the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) teaching and learning approaches across the formal curriculum through a student-led mapping exercise. 

SDG Teach In - an annual campaign running throughout March that encourages all educators to include the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as part of their teaching.

Sulitest provides universities with the tools to integrate sustainability education into their institutions, programs and courses through a suite of tools and tests.

The University is actively engaged with the Sulitest Awareness Test, aimed at improving and mapping awareness of sustainability issues. It consists of a set of 30 international multiple-choice questions, each aligned with one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have also created our own question/answer modules, within this test, tailored to our issues.

We are now in the process of evaluating the success and usefulness of the surveys, completed by a selection of 1st and 2nd year students, to inform next steps.


Learn.Exeter is our Moodle platform that offers free online short courses to the public - the University has now completed the process of transferring our online courses from FutureLearn to our own site - Learn.Exeter. This includes a range of courses relating to sustainability and the SDGs. Learn.Exeter is available for staff and students and members of the public to access. The site formally launched in April 2024.  

Flexible Combined Honours - a unique degree structure that lets you study a range of subjects with a focus on sustainability.  

Future17: SDG Challenge Program - a global initiative between the University of Exeter, QS and leading international universities designed to support students to develop the skills needed to collaboratively tackle 21st Century global challenges, through working with professionals to create pathways for innovative solutions to real-world issues associated with the United Nations SDGs.  

Green Consultants as credit-bearing modules - providing students with additional skills and experience required to work in the highly competitive environmental and sustainability sector.

Field Course Task and Finish Group - to understand how field courses on taught programmes can be environmentally sustainable, accessible and inclusive for all of our students and colleagues. To support staff in running sustainable field courses through, for example, developing a toolkit for academics and professional services to use as a decision-making tool, when developing and amending existing field courses.