When choosing modules, it is important you check how you are assessed, for example by written essays or by exams or both. This information can be found under the Summative Assessment section of each module description.
All students are required to complete their final assessments and if a module has a final exam, you must be present in Exeter/Penryn in January.
January Exams
Students are usually expected to stay for the exam period in January.
However we know that clashes in academic year dates can occur. Therefore some departments will accommodate rearranged assessments so that you can still receive a full semester's credits.
If you are on exchange at Exeter for Semester 1 only and you cannot attend the January exam period because of an academic term clash with your home university, your home university needs to provide evidence to the Inbound Team by the end of the module change period.
Please note the following departments do not offer rearranged assessments:
- Business School
- Psychology
- Geography Level 1
- Modern Languages
If you are taking modules in different departments, do not assume that you will be permitted a rearranged assessment for all of your modules.
Rearranged assessments are not available for full year/semester two students. This is non-negotiable so you should not arrange internships, work placements etc. during the examination period.
Transcripts for Semester One students will be emailed to you and the International Office of your home university in March.
Transcripts for Full Year and Semester Two students will be emailed to you and the International Office of your home university in July.
If you are a Direct Enrol student then a copy will be emailed to you direct. You can also ask for a copy to be sent to your home university.
If you require additional copies please email inbound@exeter.ac.uk with your request.
Undergraduate marking criteria. For undergraduate modules the pass mark is 40%
Mark | Class | Comment |
80 and above | 1st | All the criteria for 1st, plus outstanding analytical power or originality of ideas |
70-79 | 1st | Clear and stylish writing. Very thorough knowledge of the material. Excellent critical assessment. Well structured and organised. Empirical data very well analysed and integrated in assessed work, or All the criteria for 2:1, plus substantial originality of ideas |
60-69 | 2:1 | Clear writing with a well-defined focus, reflecting a good working knowledge of the material and good competence in its critical assessment. Well-structured and organised. Appropriate methodology. Empirical data and experimental work well analysed and integrated in assessed work |
50-59 | 2:2 | Acceptable level of self-expression based on adequate working knowledge of material. Satisfactory structure and organisation of material. Appropriate methodology. Satisfactory analysis of empirical data and experimental work |
40-49 | 3rd | Limited level of self-expression based on core material. Quality of writing inconsistent. Structure and organisation adequate at best. Unimaginative use made of appropriate methodology. Limited use of empirical and experimental results. |
39% and below | Fail | Lacking in basic knowledge and critical ability. Inappropriate methodology or poor application of appropriate methodology. Major defects in writing and reporting of empirical data and experimental results |
Where a student has passed an assessment at the second attempt, a formal mark of 40% is normally recorded.
Postgraduate marking criteria. For postgraduate modules the pass mark is 50%.
Mark Range | Comment | |
70% and above | Distinction. Work of near publishable standard reflecting outstanding knowledge of material and critical ability. | |
60-69% | Merit. Work with a well-defined focus, reflecting a good working knowledge of material and good level of competence in its critical assessment. | |
50-59% | Pass. Work demonstrating adequate working knowledge of material and evidence of some analysis. | |
40-49% | Fail. Limited knowledge of core material and limited critical ability. | |
39% and below | Fail. Lacking in basic knowledge and critical ability |
Where a student has passed an assessment at the second attempt, a formal mark of 50% is normally recorded.
Mark conversion is the responsibility of your home university. We do not advise on this as different universities can use different systems.
Your Exeter transcript will be sent to your home university once marks have been confirmed for all students studying at Exeter. Sometimes transcripts may arrive a little later, usually in the case of semester one students where rearranged assessments have been granted and later deadlines set.