Courses - 2024 entry
Please note: The below is for 2024 entry. Click here for 2025 entry.
Click on a subject heading below to view the courses available, or view all › or see an All courses A-Z listing.
- Accounting and Finance
- Anthropology
- Arab and Islamic Studies
- Archaeology
- Art History & Visual Culture
- Art History & Visual Culture BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and History BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and Classical Studies BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and Drama BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and English BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and Film & Television Studies BA
- Art History & Visual Culture and Modern Languages BA
- Comparative Literature and Cultures BA
- Biosciences
- Animal Behaviour BSc
- Animal Behaviour MSc
- Biochemistry BSc
- Biochemistry MSci
- Biological and Medicinal Chemistry BSc
- Biological and Medicinal Chemistry MSci
- Biological Sciences BSc
- Biological Sciences MSci
- Conservation Biology and Ecology BSc
- Conservation Biology and Ecology MSci
- Evolutionary Biology BSc
- Evolutionary Biology MSci
- Marine Biology BSc
- Marine Biology MSci
- Zoology BSc
- Zoology MSci
- Business and Management
- Accounting and Business BSc
- Bachelor of Business and Laws BBL (Cornwall)
- Business BSc (Cornwall)
- Business Analytics BSc
- Business and Environment BSc (Cornwall)
- Business and Management BSc
- Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Fast track
- Finance: Investment Banking / Business Management / Data Science BSc
- International Business and Modern Languages BA
- Law with Business LLB (Cornwall)
- Marketing and Management BSc
- Politics and Management BSc (Cornwall)
- Classics and Ancient History
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminology
- Data Science
- Drama
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering Geology and Geotechnics BSc
- Engineering Geology and Geotechnics MSci
- Environmental Geoscience BSc
- Environmental Geoscience MSci
- Environmental Science BSc
- Environmental Science MSci
- Geography BA
- Geography BA/BSc
- Geography BSc
- Geography with Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS) BSc
- Geology BSc
- Geology MSci
- Marine Science BSc
- Resource and Exploration Geology BSc
- Resource and Exploration Geology MSci
- Ecology and Conservation
- Economics
- Engineering
- Civil Engineering BEng
- Civil Engineering MEng
- Civil Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Civil Engineering Degree Apprenticeship
- Engineering BEng
- Engineering MEng
- Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Electronic Engineering BEng
- Electronic Engineering MEng
- Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Engineering and Entrepreneurship BEng
- Engineering and Entrepreneurship MEng
- Engineering and Management BEng
- Engineering and Management MEng
- Mechanical Engineering BEng
- Mechanical Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Renewable Energy Engineering BEng
- Renewable Energy Engineering MEng
- Renewable Energy with Foundation year BEng
- English
- Art History & Visual Culture and English BA
- Classical Studies and English BA
- Comparative Literatures and Cultures BA
- English BA
- English and Communications BA
- English and Creative Writing BA
- English and Drama BA
- English and Film & Television Studies BA
- English and Modern Languages BA
- English with Study in North America BA
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental Science
- Film Studies
- Flexible Combined Honours
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Art History & Visual Culture and History BA
- History BA (Exeter)
- History BA (Cornwall)
- History and Ancient History BA
- History and Archaeology BA
- History and International Relations BA (Cornwall)
- History and Modern Languages BA
- History and Politics BA (Cornwall)
- History and Business BA (Cornwall)
- History and Geography (Cornwall)
- Law
- Liberal Arts
- Mathematics
- Mathematics BSc
- Mathematics MMath
- Mathematics with Foundation Year BSc
- Mathematics (Climate Science) MSci
- Mathematics (Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics) MSci
- Mathematics (Mathematical Biology) MSci
- Mathematics and Data Science BSc
- Mathematics and Data Science MSci
- Mathematics and Physics BSc
- Mathematics with Accounting BSc
- Mathematics with Accounting MSci
- Mathematics with Economics BSc
- Mathematics with Economics MSci
- Mathematics with Finance BSc
- Mathematics with Finance MSci
- Mathematics with Management BSc
- Mathematics with Management MSci
- Computer Science and Mathematics BSc
- Computer Science and Mathematics MSci
- Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)
- Medical Sciences
- Medicine
- Mining Engineering
- Modern Languages and Cultures
- Art History & Visual Culture and Modern Languages BA
- Classical Studies and Modern Languages BA
- Communications and Modern Languages BA
- Comparative Literatures and Cultures BA
- English and Modern Languages BA
- Film & Television Studies and Modern Languages BA
- History and Modern Languages BA
- International Business and Modern Languages BA
- International Relations and Modern Languages BA
- Modern Languages BA
- Modern Languages and Arabic BA
- Modern Languages and Latin BA
- Philosophy and Modern Languages BA
- Politics and Modern Languages BA
- Sociology and Modern Languages BA
- Natural Sciences
- Neuroscience
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Physics and Astronomy
- Politics and International Relations
- Arabic and Politics BA
- Global Politics BA (Cornwall)
- International Relations BA
- International Relations and Modern Languages BA
- Politics BA
- Politics and International Relations BSc
- Politics and Geography BA (Cornwall)
- Politics and International Relations BA (Cornwall)
- Politics and Modern Languages BA
- Politics and Sociology BA
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics BA
- Politics and Management BSc (Cornwall)
- Psychology
- Renewable Energy
- Sociology
- Sport and Health Sciences
- Theology and Religion
- INTO: Programmes for International Students