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Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Seed-Corn Funding opportunities

NEW CALL ANNOUNCEMENT: Autumn 2024 (Round 9)

The IDSAI issue calls twice annually for funding for seed-corn research awards.  The awards provide fully-funded time of a postdoctoral researcher to support early-phase development of ideas for innovative, interdisciplinary data science and AI research. The latest call for Autumn 2024 (Round 9) is now open. Please find below details of the time frame and further information about how to apply.

Information Webinar:

We are planning to hold a webinar in advance of the next EOI deadline, please see details below on the timetable and in the IDSAI newsletter.  After the webinar has taken place, if you would like a copy of the recording please contact

Any queries?

Please contact 

IDSAI Research Awards aim to support early-phase development of ideas for innovative, interdisciplinary data science and AI research across Exeter.  It is expected that by the end of an IDSAI Research Award the recipients will have generated new pilot data to underpin future applications for funding or which will provide the foundations for research publication(s).

Applications for IDSAI Research Awards are invited from academic members of staff in all Exeter Faculties and Departments.  Research awards will support pilot research projects in interdisciplinary data science and/or artificial intelligence aligned to the aims of the IDSAI. We are therefore seeking applications to utilise data science/AI approaches to address research challenges in any area of the sciences, arts and humanities. Please note that applications where the majority of the work is considered to be routine data analysis will not be supported.

To ensure that projects are interdisciplinary, applications should be led by two PIs from different disciplines. Typically, this would include one PI from a data science discipline; however, effective project teams may be composed differently.  Please get in touch if you are not sure whether your project team meets this requirement.

Projects will preferably represent potential for novel data science/AI, as well as innovation in the area of application.

Applications for IDSAI Research Awards may request the following:

  • Fully-funded time of an IDSAI Research Fellow up to 0.5 FTE, for a maximum of 6 months.  Applicants are able to suggest projects of differing duration and resourcing as long as this limit is not exceeded.  We will do our best to accommodate resourcing requests across the portfolio of projects.
  • Up to £500 for associated research costs, including (but not limited to) HPC time/credits, travel and subsistence costs associated with visits to project partners, minor computing hardware/software. (Please note that Research Fellows have their own equipment sufficient for most data science research needs).

Applications are invited via a two-step process of an expression of interest (EoI) followed by a full application.  Please note that project teams and ideas can continue to evolve between the EoI and full application stage and that the EoI will help the IDSAI to support project teams in developing their ideas.

Expression of interests

Please send the following completed documentation to by close of play on the expression of interest closing date.

  • Summary of project(max 2 side of A4, at least 11pt font with 2 cm margins), with details under each of the following headings:
    • Draft project aims and potential for innovative, interdisciplinary data science/AI research
    • Brief outline of potential research methodology
    • Data science/AI skills needed to complete the project (to enable us to match you with an appropriate IDSAI Research Fellow)
    • Collaborators and what they will contribute (if appropriate) - particularly important for the IDSAI Impact Research Awards
    • The availability and readiness of the data required for the project
    • Expected outputs
    • Resources required.

Following the deadline for expressions of interest, a meeting will be scheduled between applicants and the IDSAI Research Fellow team to discuss the scope of their project in more detail and in particular the availability and nature of data to be utilised in the project.  This step is not part of the selection process but is meant as an informal way to help applicants strengthen their applications.

Applicants wishing to submit a full application after feedback should submit the following completed documentation to Easy Chair by close of play on the application closing date. Please click IDSAI Research Awards Round 9 2024 for the full application criteria.

Case for support (max 3 sides of A4, at least 11pt font with 2 cm margins), with details under each of the following headings:

  • Project aims and potential for innovative, interdisciplinary data science/AI research
  • Outline research methodology
  • Data: discussing availability and nature of data to be utilised in the project. Please detail any pre-work needed to make the dataset suitable for use in the project and how this will be resourced
  • Data science/AI skills needed to complete the project (to enable us to match you with an appropriate IDSAI Research Fellow)
  • Collaborators and what they will contribute (if appropriate)
  • Expected outputs within the timeline of the project and beyond
  • Potential for academic and/or societal impact
  • Plans for future funding
  • Resources requested – please state the proposed duration and %FTE of researcher time required. Please justify any additional research costs up to a maximum of £500.
  • You may use up to 1 extra side of A4 (in addition to the 3 sides - case for support) for references if required.
  • Data annex – max 1 side of A4, with samples of data to be utilised in the project

Applications will be assessed by members of the IDSAI Management Group, with input from the IDSAI Research Fellows, based on their fit to the following selection criteria:

  • Quality, novelty, ambition and timeliness
  • Interdisciplinarity and alignment to the aims of IDSAI
  • Appropriateness of the proposed research methodology
  • Potential for academic impact and knowledge exchange

Projects awarded funding will be required to:

  • Attend a kick-off meeting where a project plan, start and end dates will be agreed.
  • Attend a mid-project review meeting
  • Write a final report at the end of the award and present the outcomes of their project to the IDSAI Management Group.
  • Present their work at IDSAI events if requested

The IDSAI retains the right to review project progress at any time and to halt or stop any projects as necessary.

Call timetable 

Call for applications issued

24 May 2024

Information webinar – open to all

7 June, 2pm.  Please see IDSAI newsletter for details about the link to join, or contact IDSAI.

A recording of the webinar will be made available after the webinar. Please contact IDSAI if you would like a copy.

Expressions of interest submission deadline

 9 July 2024

Deadline for full applications

 5 September 2024

Sift panel meets

 4 October 2024

Decisions communicated

 w/c 7 October 2024

Projects start

 October 2024, date to be confirmed

Maximum possible end date

 6 months from start date