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Cornwall campuses

Information for Penryn Campus staff

The current staff pages contain all staff-related information, including news, facilities, personnel and staff development information for all University of Exeter staff.

An aerial shot of penryn campus and the coast.

Events planning toolkit

The Events Planning toolkit includes checklists, templates and other resources to help event organisers. All University of Exeter staff and students are welcome to use and share this resource.

In addition, the Health and Safety Event Management Standard explains the actions that are required by any person defined as an organiser of events on University managed premises (including campus grounds).


  1. Planning an event
  2. Booking facilities and audiovisual equipment
  3. Guidance for online events
  4. Budget and costing events
  5. Marketing and publicity
  6. Risk assessments, Prevent and GDPR

Guidance for online events

  • Please visit our dedicated webpage for guidance on planning and organising an online event. This page provides more information, contact details for technical support, along with tips and links to external resources to help you plan and deliver an event online.

Upcoming events

Contact us

We welcome enquiries and suggestions to provide additional information as necessary. If you have any questions, please email or contact a member of the team.

Room Bookings

To book most of the meeting rooms, seminar rooms or hybrid spaces on Penryn Campus you can use the Semestry Room Booking service.

Information about shared teaching spaces, including room photos, capacities and AV provision, can be found in Room Layouts PDF 2019

Video Conferencing

View a list of Video Conferencing Platforming Availability in Teaching Rooms on the Penryn campus (PDF)

Please also read the Frequently Asked Questions which outline these in more detail. 

If you wish to book a video conference meeting please send us an email, as Web Room Bookings cannot be used for this. Video conference meetings are available on the Penryn Campus in the Daphne du Maurier rooms, the Peter Lanyon rooms, the Exchange rooms and in the Tremough House Meeting Room.

Other bookable spaces

Dept Room Location Capacity Facilities Book
CEC Athenaeum room 3039
(Also staff room - not suitable for high profile or confidential meetings)
DDM floor 3, Ecology and Conservation 20-30

(Not supported by AV team)

Contact a member of the CEC Admin team

CEC Aquarium room 3049 DDM floor 3, Ecology and Conservation 6  VC
(Not supported by AV team)

Contact a member of the CEC Admin team

*ESI Richard Trevithick ESI ground floor  24 Boardroom
40 Seminar
3 sections of 8


Hybrid facilities

Contact a member of the ESI Admin team or call 
01326 259490
*ESI Elizabeth Carne ESI floor 1 8


Hybrid facilities

Book space here
*ESI Davies Gilbert ESI floor 1 8 Hybrid facilities Book space here

 * Please note the ESI meeting rooms cannot be booked for Undergraduate or Postgraduate teaching sessions and the use of the rooms should relate to Environment and Sustainability research.

Professional services

The Cornwall Communications and Marketing team are responsible for both internal and external communications at the University's Penryn and Truro campuses. Collectively, we can assist you with press releases, webpages, newsletters, promotion of events, advertising, public relations, and more. We run the UniExeCornwall social media accounts and the Cornwall webpages. We work closely with colleagues in the central Communications and Strategic Marketing teams, FX Plus, Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union and Falmouth University to support our staff and students. We also produce the termly Community Newsletter with colleagues at Falmouth.

Rachel Caunter Campaign Manager, Cornwall Professional Services Hub, Tremough House
Melissa Ward Communications and Marketing Officer

Professional Services Hub, Tremough House
Kate Nicholls Social Media Assistant

Professional Services Hub, Tremough House
Comms Team Communications Team shared inbox  

Please note that media enquiries should be directed to the central Press Office via or +44 (0) 01392 722391.


The Events Management team is responsible for delivering events ranging from building openings and guest lectures to VIP visits and holiday celebrations. It can provide assistance with many aspects of events, including selection of catering options, room bookings, signage, parking and transportation options, and itineraries.

Louise Misselbrook Events Officer 01326 371805 PL A063

Our Education Support Services team provides programme administration, support, and advice for all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students across all colleges on our Penryn Campus.

Our Penryn Information Point is the first port of call for all student programme administration queries. You can e-mail, call 01326 371800 or pop in to see us at the Penryn Information Pointin Peter Lanyon Building, Ground Floor (9:00-17:00 Monday to Friday).

We provide support and advice for the following:

  • Programme administration
  • Assignment submission and feedback
  • Mitigation and support
  • Timetable enquiries
  • Registration, Interruption and Withdrawal processes
  • Student Letters
  • Student unicards and building access
  • Module selection, allocation and changes
Staff name ESS team role
Terri Stoddern Education Support Manager (HUB)
Liz Fath Education Support Advisor (HUB)
Nicky Cocksedge  Education Support Advisor
Jess Allsop Student and Education Support Administrator
Ceri Harvey Student and Education Support Administrator
Jemma Warburton Student and Education Support Administrator
Melodie Oliver Student and Education Support Assistant
Heidi Glenister Student and Education Support Assistant
Janice Edgerton Student and Education Support Assistant
Lauren Cowie Student and Education Support Assistant
Helen Vosper Student and Education Support Assistant

The PGR support team can provide information and advice on a number of services including:

  • Funding
  • Interruptions and extensions
  • Sickness
  • Upgrade advice
  • Viva and examination
  • Annual Monitoring Review process
  • IT equipment
  • Study space
  • MyPGR

The Penryn PGR Support Office is open from 10.00am – 2.00pm Monday to Friday and is based in the Postgraduate Suite in Daphne Du Maurier building, next to the SU and opposite the Stannary.

Heather Platt PGR Support Officer 01392 726295  
Rosie Logiudice PGR Support Officer 01392 726295  
Monique Clark PGR Administrator 01392 726295

For PGR training and development enquiries please email:

Students in Cornwall have a dedicated Education Welfare team which operates alongside Wellbeing support services run by Fxplus.

Your Education Welfare team in Penryn is made up of – 

Alex Lewis  Education Welfare Manager
Fiona Williams  Education Welfare Adviser 
Sally Wears Education Welfare Adviser
Tracey Burrell  Education Welfare Officer

The team are based within the Peter Lanyon building and are here should you need advice and guidance on how best to support a student or would like to make a referral. Full information on Wellbeing support in Cornwall and our service can be accessed via our webpage

We are a world leading, transdisciplinary research and education Centre informing the future health of the planet and people. We conduct world-class research, investigating the complex interdependencies between environment and human health, influencing decision makers at local, national and international scales.

You can find out about our people here or to get in touch visit our contact us page.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

When people feel included and are treated fairly and respectfully, they are more likely to perform better and recommend the University as a good place to work and study. Our aim is to encourage and support a diverse and inclusive environment that will attract the best staff and students and create a community that is fair and respectful and that we all want to be a part of.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team provide professional advice, guidance and the tools to enable everyone working or studying at Exeter to take individual responsibility and help create an inclusive community.

Rae Preston

Programme Manager (Cornwall EDI)

Beth Hall

EDI Projects Officer

Lewis Nurton

Learning and Development Manager

The Innovation Exeter team in Penryn can offer tailored packages of support to suit the needs of business that range from large multinational organisations to microbusinesses. 



Lisa Beverley-Jones Project Manager
Chloe Bines Impact & Partnership Development Officer - National Trust Partnerships
Dan Bloomfield Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Nature recovery & Food Systems
Kara Bogus Head of Exeter Innovation Cornwall
Katie Cooke Circular Economy Hub Manager
Colette Defoe IPDM (Impact Partnership Development Manager) Defence, Security and Conflict
Ronan Doyle Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Arca
Emily Easman Project Coordinator Circular Economy Hub
Claire Eatock Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Georesources & Marine Systems
James Grant Head of Business Development Cornwall
Alex Huke Head of Environment & Clean Growth
Mary Hesling Project Manager - ARCA
Tim Hunt Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Arca
Hatty Hopkinson Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Skills (Evolve Futures)
Andre Koch Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Arca
Peter Lefort Green Futures Network
Jonathan Maiden Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Marine & Clean Energy (Evolve Futures)
Emma McBurney Impact & Partnership Development Manager - ECEHH & Project Lead - Evolve Futures
Charlotte Mitchell SPF Programme Administrator
Louise Osborne Assistant Director - Skills & Regional Engagement
Nicholas Pearson Start-Up Programme Manager (interim)
Carolynne Pettit Senior Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Met4Tech
Chris Phillips Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Net Zero & Project Lead - Green Futures
Johnny Pope  Industrial Impact Fellow - Evolve Futures
Mistralle Reid
Exeter Innovation Cornwall Administrator 
Katie Riesner
Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Arca
Nicola Rowe ESIF Programme Administrator
Victoria Smyth Project Co-ordinator - Met4Tech
Frances Tanner Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Start-Up (Evolve Futures)
Zoe Underwood ESIF Programme Administrator
Jodie West Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Culture Cornwall
Devi Whittle Kernow Sat 1 Programme Manager
Kirsten Whiting
Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Inclusive Growth
Claire Wilcox SPF Programme Administrator
Steph Wilk Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Green Futures
Jim Williams EIP Manager IP, Cornwall
Marcus Winter Impact & Partnership Development Manager - Biodiversity (Green Futures)
Susie Wood  Impact & Partnership Development Officer - Arca

The Penryn Field Trips team supports residential field trips in the UK and abroad for students on taught programmes. We assist with the logistics of a trip from the planning stage right through to departure, continuing to respond to any issues while the trip is in progress.

We advise on the University’s required paperwork and approval procedures along with additional details essential to the success of the excursion.

This can include:

  • Liaison with academic staff regarding the requirements for their field trip
  • Collecting student and staff information relevant to the trip
  • Booking transport and accommodation
  • Arranging payments for bookings
  • Liaison with the Welfare team
  • Requesting travel insurance cover
  • General advice and guidance

We assist the academics leading field trips, communicate with students to gather necessary information and help with any queries working with our University and external partners to ensure any health or accessibility needs are addressed. As a trip nears, we provide a folder for the leaders to take with them containing key information and guidance for use in any emergency.

Please note, the team only supports residential field trips leaving from Penryn Campus. Our team is based in the Peter Lanyon building. For any queries, you can contact us via email:

Sara Carella-Lyne Global Opportunities and Field Trips Support Officer  
Rachel Scofield Global Opportunities and Field Trips Support Officer  
Bill Thompson Field Trips Coordinator  

Please see this page for essential information on planning field trips - UK and International Residential Field Course planning information

The International Student Community and Support team in Cornwall is dedicated to advising and supporting non-UK students in a range of areas including:

  • Pre-arrival information
  • Airport Collection Service (September)
  • Orientation programmes & events
  • Global Chums Cornwall mentoring scheme
  • One-to-one information and advice on immigration, visa extensions & post-study work visas
  • Supporting diversity events on campus
  • Your International Newsletter

Advice is offered free of charge and without discrimination. The service operates according to the UKCISA/AISO Code of Ethics for advising international students. Immigration advice meets the strict rules and standards of the Office Immigration Services Commissioner.

Natalie Battelle and Rose Robinson are the International Student Advisers based at the Penryn Campus.

Emily Crocker is the International Student Experience Projects Officer based at the Penryn Campus.

Students should be directed to view the range of services available from the International Student Community and Support team at: Access our Service. Members of staff can get in touch by emailing

The Procurement Operations team are based across Cornwall and Exeter campuses. The team are responsible for all spend under £50,000. They’re available to guide and assist you with all buying activity, including purchases requiring quotes (above £10,000), spot purchases (under £10,000), and manage systems (including the Advanced e-Marketplace, purchasing cards and Amazon Business). Please get in contact before you start your buying processes to allow the team to assist you.

Please contact the team by emailing You can also contact the team via Teams.

The team are based in Castle Team room in Tremough House on Wednesday’s.

Alison Webb Procurement Operations Advisor – HASS
Rachel Cole-Powney Procurement Operations Advisor – Cornwall focused
Mick Blything Procurement Operations Advisor – Reporting, Systems & Compliance

The Strategic Procurement team are mostly based in Exeter; with one colleague working from Cornwall. The team are responsible for purchases over £50k. They can be contacted via

Emily Wadge Senior Strategic Procurement Officer

Please also visit the My Purchasing section of the PS Connect portal for guidance on procuring goods and services.

Research Services provides support for researchers in Cornwall in a number of areas, including:

  • Funding advice
  • Bid development
  • Grant budget management
  • Research grant project management

Our email addresses are: for any general queries about research applications or awards for any queries specifically relating to EU applications or awards

Staff name Role
Ruth Banyard Research Finance Manager 
Alan Bray Research Finance Administrator 
Irene Christophers Project Administrator (Convex Seascape Survey)
Amanda Goodwin Project Manager (GCFaH)
James Harris Research Finance Assistant Manager 
Karen Jeffers Project Manager (KaLi)
Jack Johnson Research Finance Administrator
Emma Lamb Project Administrator
Xiaolu Liu Research Finance Assistant Manager
Hannah Mackintosh Research Development Manager, Research Services Discipline Lead for Earth and Environmental Sciences, and European Centre for Environment and Human Health
Lily McConkey Research Finance Administrator
Jane Phelps  Research Finance Assistant Manager
Lauren Pickard Research Finance Manager
Harriet Reed Project Administrator (RENEW)
Jane Rowe

Research Development Manager, Research Services Discipline Lead for Ecology & Conservation and Renewable Energy (Engineering)

Clare Rule Research Finance Assistant Manager
Sam Sadler Research Finance Assistant Manager (EU)
David Scott Research Development Advisor
Chloe Severn Project Manager (Convex Seascape Survey)
Becca Short Project Manager (RENEW)
Jen Siggs

Head of Research (Cornwall); Cornwall Research Services and Doctoral College Partner

Research Services Discipline Lead for HASS Cornwall and Management Cornwall (interim)

 Emily Squire  Project Administrator (SEACHANGE)
 Kelly Stevens  Project Administrator (RENEW)
 Alecia Viljoen Project Administrator (Multi-layered defences)
Hannah Westlake Project Administrator (MUSIC)

The Student Access, Recruitment and Admissions team aim to attract and recruit high quality, dedicated students, regionally, nationally, and internationally, who wish to study at the Penryn Campus. The Student Recruitment Operations team and the Access, Participation and Outreach team organise open days, UCAS conventions, campus tours, and outreach events, both on campus and in local schools. The Admissions team provide advice on requirements for each programme, and processes applications for all undergraduate and postgraduate applicants for the Penryn Campus.

More information can be found on the Student Access, Recruitment and Admissions webpages

General prospective student enquiries can be submitted via our webform here. Alternatively, you can call the team on +44 (0)1392 727272.

Student Recruitment Operations

Laura Drinkwater Student Recruitment Customer Experience Manager
Hayley McCormack Student Recruitment, Admissions and Events Officer
Ebony Houghton Student Recruitment Operations Coordinator
Chris Bissell Student Recruitment Operations Coordinator
Nicole Collins Student Recruitment Experience Project Officer

Access, Participation and Outreach

David Martin WP and Student Recruitment Administrator
Lilly Moore WP Coordinator, HaSS Cornwall


SEAS is home to Professional Services teams that deliver support and educational experiences to enhance student careers, employability and employment throughout the student journey. Whilst some aspects of the service are delivered from the Streatham campus, there is a dedicated team based at the Penryn campus supporting students with in-curriculum employability and placement modules and extra-curricular opportunities for personal and professional development.

Employer Engagement and Student Employment

Andy Major Employer Engagement & Events Coordinator

Sarah Hambury

Employer Engagement Support Officer (Placements)
Ellie Bisson-Brewer Employment Engagement Support Officer (Events)
Laura Gallagher  Employer Engagement Administrator
Jess Merivale-Perry Employer Engagement Administrator
Holly Goldsworthy Employer Engagement Administrator

Global Partnerships

Kayleigh Sandercock Programme and Global Employability Officer

Information & Systems

Sharron Curtis Career Zone Officer

Student Employability & Development

Rachel Coombes Employability & Careers Consultant
Sunny Lalli Employability & Careers Consultant
Laura Bevans Employability & Careers Consultant
Nicky Hutchinson Employability & Careers Consultant
Ben Toulson Employability & Careers Consultant (Placements)
Dave Gyll-Murray Employability & Placement Advisor (Placements) 
Richard Prest Employability & Placement Advisor (Placements) 
Helen Power Employability & Placement Advisor (Placements) 
Rachel Haddy Employability & Placement Advisor (Skills)

The Student Voice and Change Team are based in Learning Experiences & Innovation (LXI). With regards to Academic Representation, they coordinate and minute Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) meetings and track the actions that emerge. They also work with academic staff to explore alternative methods for collecting student feedback and support departments and Faculties in the delivery of student experience priorities and initiatives.

Student Experience Coordinators

Michelle Steers
Dan Adeyemi

General queries about academic representation and student experience initiatives on Penryn Campus can be directed to:

Academic Faculties and Operations

All our faculties are represented on Cornwall Campuses including the following Departments, Institutes and Programmes.

Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ESE)

Earth and Environmental Science including the Camborne School of Mines (CSM)
Centre for Ecology and Conservation
Centre for Geography and Environmental Science
Renewable Energy Engineering
Environment and Sustainability Institute
University of Exeter Business School
The Business School's BSc Business programme is a career-focused business and management programme based at our Penryn Campus. From September 2023 we will also offer Masters’ programmes including MSc Sustainable Business Management, with the pathways MSc Sustainable Business Management: Tourism & MSc Sustainable Business Management: Environment.

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

The European Centre for the Environment & Human Health is based in the Peter Lanyon Building on Penryn Campus.
Part of the University Medical School, is at The Knowledge Spa on our Truro Campus

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)

HASS Cornwall
Humanities and Social Sciences, Penryn includes History, Law, Literature, Modern Languages and Politics.
Exeter Law School, Cornwall


Cornwall Operations

Catriona Taylor Assistant Director of Cornwall Operations  
Helen Wonnacott

Executive PA to the Cornwall DVC Office Prof Martin Siegert FRSE, Vice President and Deputy Vice Chancellor Cornwall and Professor Stuart Bearhop – Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Global Engagement

01326 371818

Alexa Skilton

Administrator Exec Office and PA to Professor Clare Saunders HoD for HaSS Cornwall


Dean Archer

Senior IT Business Partner, Cornwall


Francesca Crickmere

Head of Education Services and Student Experience, Cornwall

01326 259316

Emma Clark Head of External Engagement and Global, Cornwall  
Lucy McTaminey Technical Strategy & Operations Faculty Business Partner (Penryn)  
Vanessa Leatherdale

PA to Prof. Dave Hodgson HoD for Centre for Ecology and Conservation, Prof. David Hosken, Deputy PVC Faculty of Environment, Science and the Economy and to Prof. James Scourse, HoD for Earth & Environmental Sciences.

Lisa Morgan  Department Manager - Ecology and Conservation 01326 255761 
Jen Milsom  Department Manager - Earth and Environmental Science  
Daniela Farina Department Manager – HaSS Cornwall  
Ali Bearhop Programme & Education Coordinator (Business School) 01326 259259
Cath Bissett Senior Faculty Administrator – Cornwall (ESE and HaSS)  
Stephen Mugglestone  Department Administrator - Centre for Ecology and Conservation  
Jake Mackintosh Department Administrator - HaSS Cornwall (job share)  
Amy Tregidgo Department Administrator - HaSS Cornwall (job share)  
Josh Oldridge Department Administrator – Department of Earth and Environmental Science   
Katie Salisbury Administrative Assistant – Department of Engineering, Renewable Energy  


Sarah Ashton Institute and Research Manager - ESI 01326 253756
Amy Lloyd Foster Senior Administrator - ESI  
Amrita Sharma PA to the ESI Director